12 events found.
Union of Union
First Missionary Baptist – Parkton 195 W. David Parnell Street, Parkton, NC, United StatesThe Union of Union meeting will be July 28-29, 2023 at First Baptist Church - Parkton.  Moderator Worley has asked churches to make a donation to Lott Carey Mission Fund. […]
Lott Carey Annual Session
Greensboro, NC NC, United StatesLabor of Love Day
Various LocationsGBSC Annual Session
Asheville NC NC, United StatesUnion of UMBA
TBDGBSC Congress of Christian Education One Day Session
GBSC Congress of Christian Education One Day Session Hillside High School, Durham, NC, 9a-2p
UMBA Labor of Love Partnership Training
UMBA Labor of Love Partnership Training Grace Place @ First Baptist Fayetteville 9a-11a